Can you relate to any of these?
- How many of you have that soft gentle touch on your face, could that be a kiss from a loved one from Spirit?
- The tickling on the arm, someone from spirit trying to touch you or reassure you, just letting you know they are still with you?
- What about when you’re talking about someone you have lost and that special piece of music comes on – is it just coincidence?
- The glimpse of something or someone out of the corner of your eye – are they watching you still?
- How many of you find feathers all the time in odd places? I certainly do and call them messages from loved ones or angels and they always come at a time when I need answers or help.
- A special bird in the garden, a favourite of a loved one – sent by them?
- How many of you have children who are chattering away but no one there? Children can see and hear far more than we can.
As a young child I was “seeing” spirit, but was terrified to tell anyone and had to deal with this fear alone.
My own children were lucky that I understood these things and when they were talking about “people” they were seeing and talking to, I was able to comfort them and help them with understanding who they were and why they were there. So many children see “things” and I have had such enjoyment speaking to these children and helping them. They get so excited when I tell them I had the same experiences. On one occasion I remember being told off by a 7 year old, “don’t sit there you will sit on him”. With my own children we had to have a supermarket trolley with 2 seats, for them to sit in and I had to put a seat belt on another little girl that travelled with us all the time.
What have been your experiences? I’d love to hear about them……