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When we ask for opportunities to grow, Spirit shows the way

by | Aug 14, 2017 | 0 comments

We all need to keep developing and training, no matter what our job is. In this email, I want to share with you why I think it’s important to keep growing.

18 months ago, I realised that I needed more training to grow my own mediumship skills. You know when you feel a like you’re stuck in a rut or not quite reaching your full potential?

I knew I needed help.  Where was I to go?

I was sitting at a conference listening to other spiritual speakers when I heard Spirit say “Arthur Findlay College” (which is The World’s Foremost College for the Advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences in the UK).

Spirit has this wonderful way of tapping you on the shoulder and pointing you in the right direction. 

I happened to be going to the UK some 2 months later and my diary was full except for 1 week!

Not daring to ignore Spirit, I looked up what was on at the college for the one week I was not busy.

Lo and behold, there was a Paul Jacobs’ advanced course.  It was so close I thought I would not get a place, but contacted the college anyway.  To my utter amazement, there was one free space AND there was a single room free (unheard of as these courses and accommodation book out as soon as they become available especially with teachers of Paul’s calibre).

Spirit had certainly pointed me to the right path!

I booked immediately. When I arrived for induction, I told Paul that I needed to be pushed and stretched and knew that I was in the best hands.  I had met Paul twice previously but just for one-day events.

The week was tough BUT Spirit knew that I needed to be there with this teacher on this week so I sucked it up and made the most of it ALL.  At the end of the week I was chosen along with others to represent our classes and demonstrate in front of the whole college.  I did not realise how much I had actually learned until I was put to the test.  It was amazing, so much laughter, so much accurate information from Spirit – I was back on track. 

Striving to be our best selves means we need to seek out opportunities for growth. We need to be pushed. To be stretched.

I had got what I asked for, to be pushed, to get my confidence back AND more importantly to be the best medium I could possibly be and also the best representative for the spirit world.
Have you ever felt like you needed to grow and Spirit has shown you the way? 


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