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Welcome to The Val Hood Mediumship Podcasts

I am excited to share my new podcast with you!

I created The Val Hood Mediumship Podcasts with the intention of teaching you that you can develop your mediumship abilities. It is quite possible for any individual to make the conscious decision to develop, rekindle, or magnify the powers of their intuitive voice and mind.

It’s my belief that human possibility encompasses more than just those things we know through our physical senses. As I have progressed on my journey, I have become convinced of this possibility and deeply committed to it. I hope this podcast will help you come to the understanding that we are far more than our human, physical bodies.

If you find yourself thinking that there is more to life than what can be seen or easily explained, then this podcast is for you. If you find yourself with an overwhelming desire to explore what lies outside the realm of physical science or earthly understanding, this podcast series will inform you. If you want to know more about mediumship and learning, TheVal Hood Mediumship podcast will enlighten you.


Join me monthly for a new podcast. If you like what you hear, please subscribe, rate and review at iTunesSpotify or Soundcloud.

Connecting With Spirit