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Spirit is not here to tell you what to do…

by | Jul 15, 2017 | 0 comments

A lot of people come to me for readings with the expectation that Spirit will tell them what to do.  Usual questions, relationships problems, jobs they hate, or ‘how do I get off the night shift’ for instance.

What people don’t realise is that Spirit is not there to do this for us!  Yes they are there to help, support and encourage us, but we have to learn to think for ourselves and to get the best out of our own lives, not expect all the answers to be given to us on a plate.

A while ago a lady came for a reading and as she walked in I heard a lady’s voice say ‘she wants you to tell her it’s ok to leave her husband!  Well, we are not going to do that’.  I thought that this was going to be an interesting reading and waited with baited breath to see where this would go.

It turned out that I was communicating with her Nan who described herself beautifully.  She was, however, a little unhappy that her granddaughter just wanted to give up and get out of her marriage.  Her lovely Nan reminded her of what was so special about their relationship and them coming together in the first place and why not rekindle some of that original magic.

When she left at the end of the reading, I could tell the young lady was not overly happy with what her Nan had said.  I did not hear from her again. Then out of the blue a year later I got an email from her to say ‘thank you’.  She had gone away and taken on board what her Nan had suggested and now had the ‘best marriage ever’.

I suppose the moral in the tale is don’t expect others or Spirit to do it for you, work it out the best way you can.  Just relook at the situation, how can we do it differently. When we are in a negative frame of mind it’s difficult for us to see clearly where we are headed and we look to others to tell us what to do and how.  So try taking a step back and look at things in an objective way.   There is usually a different way.

I ask for help from my Spirit family, and I know they will be there for me, no matter what.


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